Castle's Labs - We would love to hear from you


We are proud to announce what many have been waiting for.... Castle's Labs Lactobacillus premium concentrate. Our formulation can be used in a variety of applications from horse manure / soil regeneration to simple home chicken coop manure management. Combat pests and odors with our superior formulation.


  • kurt castle

    Hello Rebecca , I apologize for the wait on my reply , our spray will help aide in the breakdown of urine and feces depending on your situation our spray will get rid of odors and flies while helping create a healthy environment in your soil

  • Rebecca Lutes

    So how exactly does this work & can this be used on dog waste?

  • Winnie

    I’ve been using this product for about 2 years, on our horse ranch. Have amazing soil from what was manure. The soil product is rich, has huge worms, and anything grows in it. Also, has reduced pesky flies population, eliminates urine odor. Over time, we realized that we need less spraying as the microbes are sustaining themselves inside the horses corrals manure piles. Quite the magic potion!!! Recommend highly.

  • Junior

    Very useful for animal waste. Great for Ranches and farms.

  • kaden

    Great product! Gets rid of manure easy:)

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